Sometimes people ask me if I ever just “enjoy” a family outing or event or basically anything without “having” to take all the pictures. I find it amusing, almost, the frequency with which I am asked about my ability to enjoy my children without taking pictures of them. The funny part is…what do we see when we are at a park, museum or celebration? A bunch of parents following their kids around with their phones trying to catch a few quick pictures. That’s basically the definition of a lifestyle photographer.
Taking pictures is something I love. Taking pictures of my children is something I absolutely adore…ESPECIALLY in a candid and busy environment. I don’t like to ask for smiles or eye contact from them, it usually results in a meltdown or a limited number of frames allowed. But when I’m just there observing their fleeting little actions they don’t mind my camera. And, believe it or not, I can SEE through it to witness everything they are doing but I also get to keep that memory safe forever with a quick shutter release.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t drag my camera around everywhere we go. But if you see me out and I’m taking pictures, don’t worry I’m having just as much fun as they are 🙂
Our trip to the B&O Railroad Museum on our visit to Baltimore (home) this year.
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