I don’t know about the rest of the world, but when a client tells me that he has an old Chevy that he is fixing up specifically for engagement session and wedding photography, you get kinda excited. Justin spent many hot summer nights outside with his father to get her runnin again…and then…one of the tires went flat the night before our session. Meghan called me upset about the situation but we both knew there was no way we were doing it without the truck. We had found the perfect location in The Tucker Place and they had planned their outfits (don’t you LOVE Meghan’s Anthro threads???).
I was so excited when Meghan texted me only a few hours before our session that Justin’s repair efforts had worked and they were able to get the tire mended and the truck back on the road. I just don’t think this engagement session would have been the same without it, don’t you agree?
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