Our blog circle met last year around this time when we all enrolled in an online workshop together. We live all over the place and so it is hard to believe that we have bonded over the internet…but we truly have! We decided to do a secret santa this year and to reveal ourselves in our January circle 🙂
I was so excited when I received my gift from Stefanie! She has obviously listened to me talk, or probably seen a few of my personal Facebook posts, haha. I opened up my package to find this waiting for me:
Some yummy Trader Joe’s Almond Toffee, a puppy dog affectionately named Solitaire and a brand new RAVENS koozie! Talk about the way to a girls heart. Beer, football, chocolate and puppies. I’m in heaven!
Apparently, Solitaire had a little too much fun with the chocolate and the koozie…he’s fallen over and about to pass out cold right on the table!
Thank you so much Stefanie for your thoughtful gift! (the chocolate is gone, so is that beer…and it is a shame my team isn’t in the playoffs but I’ll still rock my koozie every chance I get!)
Now you can follow along the circle here and see who I drew and what she received from me 🙂
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