I guess you could say that I’ve gained a bit of love tunnel vision during my tenure as a Charlotte wedding photographer. When you see couples exchange their vows 20+ times a year, your mind tends to go straight to romantic love. But today I spent Valentine’s Day with all of my valentines. Wil and I didn’t go out to eat for a romantic meal…we went out to lunch as a family and laughed as our children spewed ridiculousness seemingly out of nowhere. We cut up chicken tenders and played tic-tac-toe. It was far from extravagant or romantic but it was 100% love.
I started to think on the way home about how we tend to dwell on the obvious forms of love, the kind you see on billboards and in movies. But what about the love that isn’t flashy? The love that is there every.single.day. when you wake up and when you go to sleep. It sometimes goes unspoken, sometimes only quietly waits in the shadows. Sometimes it IS romantic, sometimes it is mundane. It isn’t always new, it can be old tried and true. Most importantly, as you’ve most likely heard countless times at weddings, Love Never Fails.
Happy Valentine’s Day friends. My hope is that you’ve spent it with those you love in any way shape or form.
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