This month our blog circle is exploring the different dinner time traditions in our little group. It was funny that we selected this topic, because I DON’T COOK. Ever. I bake sometimes…but cooking is just not on this girl’s list of talents. So the traditional post with pictures of a healthy meal planned and served by yours truly was just not in the cards! I will however, say that my husband is a WONDERFUL cook. That man is like Macgyver in the kitchen. He can simply open the fridge or pantry and within an hour we have a fresh, (mostly) healthy meal on the table. I know that I take it for granted FAR too often. He feeds us well 🙂
We have an interesting dinner, never a boring moment with the two little rug rats! There is usually more food on the floor than in the belly when it is all said and done. I guess that is life with a 3 and 1 year old! Here is a glimpse of dinner chez Kolodziej!
What is dinner like in your neck of the woods? Leave me a note and let me know!!! AND you should take a trip around our blog circle, my friends are very talented and I always enjoy their unique perspectives! Go visit Karthika’s website to see how dinner looks in Chicago!
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