What’s for Dinner? {Lake Wylie Lifestyle Photographer}


June 4, 2013

Hi there! Welcome to the  journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

Hi, I'm Amy.


This month our blog circle is exploring the different dinner time traditions in our little group.  It was funny that we selected this topic, because I DON’T COOK.  Ever.  I bake sometimes…but cooking is just not on this girl’s list of talents.  So the traditional post with pictures of a healthy meal planned and served by yours truly was just not in the cards!  I will however, say that my husband is a WONDERFUL cook.  That man is like Macgyver in the kitchen.  He can simply open the fridge or pantry and within an hour we have a fresh, (mostly) healthy meal on the table.  I know that I take it for granted FAR too often.  He feeds us well 🙂
We have an interesting dinner, never a boring moment with the two little rug rats!  There is usually more food on the floor than in the belly when it is all said and done.  I guess that is life with a 3 and 1 year old!  Here is a glimpse of dinner chez Kolodziej!

lake wylie lifestyle photography

What is dinner like in your neck of the woods?  Leave me a note and let me know!!!  AND you should take a trip around our blog circle, my friends are very talented and I always enjoy their unique perspectives!  Go visit Karthika’s website to see how dinner looks in Chicago!

  1. […] Please follow the circle and check out the AMAZING Amy Kolozdiej’s view of dinnertime at Amy Kolozdiej. […]

  2. I love all the details you capture! You are so so lucky to have a husband that cooks!!

  3. stefanie says:

    i love it!! there’s always a ton of food under our table as well, but the dogs are quick to clean up any messes 🙂 they’re handy sometimes.

  4. nadeen says:

    I wish my hubs would do more cooking!!! Lucky you! There’s really nothing like dining with a one and three year old, is there?

  5. Brigette says:

    Love those little piggies! I remember those days well. Husbands who cook rock, don’t they?? 😉

  6. Camille says:

    You’re so lucky to have a husband who loves to cook! I love how you captured the smiles and laughter of your kids. I especially like your daughter’s laugh.

  7. Mary Beth says:

    You are one lucky lady to have guy that cooks! Great post!

  8. Julie M says:

    Thank goodness for husbands who cook! I wish mine would cook more often! Your littles are adorable!

  9. Emily says:

    What is it with all of you lucky ladies with your live in chefs? I’ve got to get me one of those!!!

  10. Your kiddos sure look like they enjoy dinner!! Love a man who cooks!

  11. You are lucky to have a hubby that cooks…the only thing in common at our house is the dog that is the food vacuum cleaner!

  12. kimberly says:

    Love this Amy. So glad your hubby can cook…sometimes I wish mine would more but I would just have to direct so I might as well do it myself! I LOVE the picture of the tootsies!

  13. Heidi Howard says:

    I love the captures of your kids! I miss those days!

  14. Erin says:

    What a fun post!! I have a 6, a 4, and a 1 year old, so I know alllllavout the ratio of floor food to belly food;) you have lovely work!

  15. carrie says:

    Ha! My husband is the cook in our house too!!!

  16. Erika says:

    Your kids are way too cute and I am super jealous of your husband’s cooking!

  17. carol says:

    Love that your hubby can cook! Great pictures of your kids. I can relate to all that food on the floor, and my kids are older! lol

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I'm Amy and I'm so happy you're here. This is a journal about my life as a photographer, mom, wife and friend. Stay a while and say hello!

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