Practical wedding advice for bridesmaids | Charlotte wedding photographers


May 19, 2016

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Have you ever been to a wedding and witnessed what you and I would call “questionable bridal party behavior”?  I know that I’ve seen more than my fair share and so I’m here today with a bit of wedding advice for bridesmaids to make your job easier!

When it comes to wedding photography, everyone has their part to play in making sure it all goes off without a hitch, including your bridal party. If you haven’t brought your bridesmaids up to speed, don’t worry! Here are a few key nuggets of golden photography wisdom to pass on to your peeps so they can help ensure all your pictures turn out gorgeous.

Keep it Tidy

Pre-wedding prep is a whirlwind. Makeup bags strewn across breakfast bars, curling irons everywhere, dress bags, shoe boxes, tossed aside bras. I get it, but it doesn’t look cute. When the photographer shows up, try to make sure that stuff is stored. Don’t feel like you have to make the room look spotless – we want those classic “getting ready” shots of applying lipstick and mascara, coiffing hair, and slipping on shoes. But if the background looks like a recycling bin got knocked over, take a couple minutes to tidy it up before we show up with a camera.

Just Keep Smiling

Pull a Dory on the big day, but instead of swimming (or forgetting everything) just keep smiling. When it doubt, put on a grin. Seeing you happy will naturally brighten the bride’s mood, and help her smile more as well. That helps relieve even the tensest moments of the day. Remember, your friend chose YOU to stand with her at the altar because she loves you and knows you’ll support her and her new hubby as a couple. Show that support from minute one of wedding day by keeping your spirits high and your pearly whites showing. Plus, it infuses the photos with the genuine JOY of the day, something the bride will undoubtedly appreciate later. Nobody likes RBF in their wedding photos.

wedding advice for bridesmaids

Remember – it’s NOT Your Wedding

I swear to high Heaven, if I hear the words “At MY wedding, we….” come out of your mouth as a bridesmaid, I will reach out from behind my camera and smack you upside the head. Ok, so maybe I won’t physically assault you, but I will give you one hell of a look. Here’s the deal, it’s the day of the wedding. None of that matters. If she asked for your advice in the planning process, that was your time to speak up. Now, everything is happening, and you can only assume the day looks exactly like your FRIEND, the bride, wants . Therefore, pretend your wedding doesn’t exist today. The only thing that exists is this day, her marriage, and your support. Support, not critique.

Moderation, People, Moderation

Yes, part of the fun of being in the bridal party is being one of the chosen few who get to party the hardest. But be warned, bridesmaids (and groomsmen for that matter), don’t overindulge in the open bar. Your friends will 110% not appreciate pictures of you acting extra sloppy. Remember, photographers are there, and those pictures will last forever.

practical wedding advice for bridesmaids

Bust Some Freakin’ Moves

Some of the couple’s favorite photos will be from the height of the reception celebration. Bride and groom dancing in the middle of the floor, all by themselves? Not so great. Bride and groom busting it out surrounded by their bridal party (and anyone else the bridal party hopefully pulled onto the dance floor with them)? That’s a memory, folks. Get on the floor early and often. If the party is moving at a snail’s pace, request a song you know the bride couldn’t resist in college and get the party re-started!

Helping out even in these few instances will not only ensure the pictures turn out lively and full of emotion, but it’ll make the bride’s day easy and fun, too. Be a successful bridesmaid? Check.

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I'm Amy and I'm so happy you're here. This is a journal about my life as a photographer, mom, wife and friend. Stay a while and say hello!

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